TCS World 10K Bengaluru | 27th APRIL, 2025 | 46 days 1 hours 5 minutes 53 seconds

Entry Rules and Regulations

Applicants must thoroughly read the mandated.

1. Application Guidelines

a. Please thoroughly go through all information mentioned below prior to submitting your application. Registration confirmation received will be subject to applicable confirmation criteria and the entry rules given herein.

b. An applicant may apply for any one of the four on-ground, non-elite race categories – Open 10K, Majja Run, Senior Citizens' Run and Champions with Disability; multiple applications will entail all entries not being confirmed. Further, an applicant must apply for the event using a single email address.

c. An applicant will be confirmed, subject to fulfilling conditions mentioned herein and confirmation qualification criteria (where applicable), only for the race category he/she has applied for.

d. Applicants can register only via online using this registration link and paying applicable entry fees based on race category opted for. No individual/group has been authorized to collect entries on behalf of the event promoter, Procam International Pvt. Ltd. (PIPL).

e. Group entries: 
(i) Group entries shall be accepted only for Majja Run, Senior Citizens' Run and Champions with Disability race category. There shall be a minimum of 20 individual entries from the said participative categories to comprise a group. 
(ii) All members of the group must fulfill the minimum age eligibility to apply. 
(iii) Click here to know the process of group registrations where the group/corporate is sponsoring the entry fees of its team members/employees. 
(iv) Click here to know the process of group registrations where individual team members/ employees will be paying their own entry fees.

f. Before sending in your/your ward’s application, please check if you: 
(i) have filled in details against all mandatory fields prefixed with ‘*’ in the application form; 
(ii) have paid the requisite entry fees; 
(iii) have agreed to the ‘Waiver’, ‘Consent’ ‘Data Privacy Policy’, ‘Race regulations’ and ‘Entry rules and guidelines’ in the application form; 
(iv) have met the minimum age eligibility criteria of the event. 
(v) have attached latest timing certificate as may be required to confirm you under Start Wave on race day (if applicable); 
(vi) have uploaded a copy of the parent/guardian’s photo id proof, if the applicant is below 18 years of age as on 26.05.2025. 
(vii) have uploaded a clear copy of photo ID proof where Date Of Birth is clearly visible. 
(viii) have uploaded clear latest photograph.
Where any discrepancy is found in any of the above-mentioned mandatory requirements, your application will not be confirmed.

g. Once you successfully submit your online application, details in your online profile cannot be changed/edited by you. For any corrections, please email at

h. On entry confirmation Open 10K runners will be further classified into age categories for awards and accolades. For more information, click here.

i. The start waves for Open 10K are indicative and may undergo a change, which will be communicated on the event website post-closure of all registrations.

j. Application status: An applicant’s application status can be viewed on his/her individual profile on the event website within 10 working days post registration. If you are unable to check application status online, please contact our event helpline number +91-(0)80-41739955 or email us at

k. Charity Running Places: Unregistered applicants or individuals who wish to contribute to an NGO/cause of their choice can approach the participating NGOs (registered with the Philanthropy Partner, Aidbees) for availing Charity Running Places, which are available by making a donation. Charity Running Places shall be availed till 31st March 2025 or until charity running places are available. 
(i) Relevant confirmation criteria will be applicable for the timed race categories 
(ii) Such applicants will also need to submit all the necessary mandatory documents as specified in the application process. 
(iii) For information on Charity Running Places and the list of participating NGOs, log on to

For information on Charity Running Places and the list of participating NGOs, write to or log on to

2. Mirchi Get Active Expo & Running Number Bib Collection

a. For the Event to be held on 27th April 2025, running number bibs must be collected by all participants from the Mirchi Get Active Expo across Thursday, 24th April to Saturday, 26th April 2025). 
Confirmed participants residing in Bengaluru are requested to choose their bib collection time slots across 24th and 25th April, allowing time slots available on 26th April for outstation participants to collect their running number bibs.

b. It is mandatory for all participants of the Open 10K race categories to collect their running numbers personally from the Bib Collection Center within the Mirchi Get Active Expo. Confirmed participants must carry along following documents (soft copy accepted) in order to collect his/her number bib: 
(i) Application confirmation. 
(ii) Govt. approved photo ID proof.

c. In case of unavoidable circumstances, a runner confirmed in any of the race categories can send his/her representative to collect running number bib on his/her behalf. Please note, a representative will not be allowed to collect running number bib on behalf of more than ONE participant. The representative must carry along following documents for number bib collection: 
(i) Application confirmation. 
(ii) Govt. approved photo ID proof of the runner.

d. Group Bibs collection only for Majja Run, Senior Citizens’ Run and Champions With Disability: A group can send their representative/s to collect the running number bibs on behalf of their team members. Running number bibs of the entire group will be handed over at one go of all race categories. The representative/s need to carry the following documents for collection of number bibs: 
(i) Printed copy of group confirmation email sent across to the group’s point person. 
(ii) Printed copy of signed letter on the NGO/company letterhead authorizing the representative/s to collect number bibs on behalf of the group. 
(iii) Govt. approved photo ID proof of the representative.

e. No running number will be posted to individual mailing addresses for whatsoever reasons. Further, no number bibs will be handed over to any participant post the declared closing hours of the Mirchi Get Active Expo – by 5 p.m. on Saturday, 26th April 2025.

3. Entry Rejection and Refund Policy

a. Once an entry is received, no requests for refund of application fees will be entertained under any circumstances.

b. Where your application is rejected for reasons whatsoever, the entry fee component paid will be refunded on or before 30th May 2025. An amount of ₹ 200 will be deducted as processing charges.

c. Application fees shall not be refunded by virtue of non-participation, including failure by a confirmed participant to collect his/her bib from the Mirchi Get Active Expo or being unwell.

d. Any refund discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the Event registration team immediately. Refund queries will not be entertained post 30th May 2025.

e. For the purpose of Event registration, if a registrant uses a corporate/group code of which he/she is not the authorized and bonafide recipient, PIPL reserves the right to deny their entry/application. In such cases, the registrant will not receive a Bib and shall not be able to participate in the Event on the Race day.

4. Entry Deferment Policy

a. Only in the case of the TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2025 event is cancelled/rescheduled for any reason, will your entry at the TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2025 be carried forward, in the same race category, to the subsequent/rescheduled edition of the TCS World 10K Bengaluru. No additional entry fees will be charged to such participants. Qualification criteria set for the next edition shall however apply.

b. In the case where participation in specific race categories needs to be reduced in view of any Government issued protocols, the rule of last-in-first-out will be applied. Such participants who do not get final confirmations can defer their entry in the same race category to the next conducted edition of TCS World 10K Bengaluru. No additional entry fees will be charged to such participants. Qualification criteria set for the next edition shall however apply.

5. Other Important Points

a. Notwithstanding anything mentioned herein, top-up donations (if any), where made at the time of applying for the event, will not be refunded under any circumstance of whatsoever nature.

b. The right to participate in the event and the rights and benefits available to the applicant under this entry form are at the sole discretion of PIPL and cannot be transferred to any other person under any circumstances. The applicant alone shall be entitled to the rights and benefits arising out of such confirmation of participation.

c. Confirmed runner’s identity and proof of residence may be verified by a verification agency hired for validating the details provided by you in the form. Where any information and/or any document provided by an applicant/runner at any point in time is found to be incorrect, participation of the said runner shall be withheld/disqualified and there will be no refund of application fees paid by the runner. All benefits accruing to the said runner as a participant of TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2025 shall stand forfeited.

d. Race day images of all participants will be screened visually after the race and if any of the participants is found not wearing the running number bib allotted to him/her, the participant registered for that bib will be disqualified from the race and the subsequent edition of the event in 2026. Further, Procam International reserves the right to take necessary legal action against the registered participant and the person who has used the running number bib on race day, for impersonation.

e. Any race day audio, video, or visual recordings made by a participant at the Mirchi Get Active Expo or on race day are to be used only for personal purposes; these cannot be used for any commercial purpose. The official photographer of TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2025 is One Glint and individual photographs of runners will be available for sale and download on the event website 48 hours post closing hours of race day.

f. Participants of any race category shall not engage in any brand marketing or brand promotion activities (of brands other than Event’s Sponsor/Partner brands) at the Event. Those who are part of corporate or group registrations are permitted to use placards, banners, caps, and t-shirts to display their company, brand, or NGO name or message. Failure to adhere to this guideline may result in disqualification from the current and subsequent edition of the race.

6. Event Promoter reserves the right to amend or alter the terms of the TCS World 10K Bengaluru at any point in time without any notice.